I/O System Excom Creates Space in the I&C Rooms
At Chevron Phillips Chemicals International NV, Turck's excom is replacing the I/O level with Ex isolation and is consequently saving a lot of space in the I&C rooms
The I/O system used on the Honeywell control system in Chevron Phillips Chemicals International NV (CPChem) Belgian plant in Beringen had been discontinued by the manufacturer. CPChem identified Turck's excom as the I/O system best suited to replacing the previous system. Turck Mechatec prepared the fully prewired control cabinets with excom racks und special marshalling panels for CPS, which could be commissioned on site very quickly. Today, excom saves considerable space in the I&C room because it integrates the separate Ex isolation that previously took up a lot of space. The fact that all I/Os are operated in the same way, regardless of whether they are in Zone 1, 2 or the safe area, is another benefit.
At petrochemical company Chevron Phillips Chemicals International NV, Turck's excom today replaces the previous I/O system and the Ex isolation in the same housing. This creates space in the I&C room for plant expansions and for innovative technologies. The plant in Beringen belongs to Chevron Phillips Chemicals International NV (CPChem) since the end of 2011. It was founded in 1991 by the Finnish refinery Neste. The Beringen plant focuses on the manufacture of polyalphaolefins (PAO), which are used in synthetic oils and lubricants. These oils are primarily used in the automobile industry and other industrial sectors.
Pilot project
CPChem first of all rolled out a pilot project with one control panel, in which the I/O cards were replaced with an excom rack. This was for the intrinsically safe signals for field devices in Zone 1 or 2.... As the pilot project proved to be successful, follow-on projects with excom were planned. Initial finding of the pilot project: Excom saves a lot of space. Other systems require a separately located Ex isolation for the signals in Zone 1. With excom, signal processing and Ex isolation are integrated in a single housing. After the pilot project, it was clear to CPC that they only required three control cabinets with excom to replace five control cabinets with devices of the old system.
After the successful pilot project, CPChem replaced a total of 172 I/Os in 2015. In the follow-on project in 2017 other I/O cards for 720 signals were connected via excom.
Fast connection to the existing control system
The time available for installing the I/O technology was short. Although the Beringen plant has a turnaround with a length of maximum 14 days every two years, more than just the physical installation had to be completed within this time frame. The new devices also had to be commissioned and their interaction with the overall system thoroughly tested.
It was a great advantage that Turck could supply fully prewired control cabinets, which were fitted with both excom and special marshalling panels that CPChem had previously used. Turck's own service provider for custom solutions, Turck Mechatec, assembled the control cabinets prewired and ready to connect with the marshalling panels. This considerably shortened the installation time for CPChem since it was possible to retain all the field cabling.
One system for all signals
The entire migration of the I/O cards for the non-intrinsically safe signal has to be completed by 2019. By then, all the 2000 I/Os will be connected through excom.
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- Guias RFID AGV em Produção de Suspensão
- IO-Link na produção de Escapamentos
- Identificação do carregador da peça na produção de Ventilação Traseira para BMW
- Detecção de porca para solda
- Rastreabilidade RFID
- RFID na produção de motores
- Produção de Para-choque com Identificação
- Soluções para Linhas de Pintura
- Sensores de Soldagem e Montagem
- Sensores de Ângulo para sistemas de montagem
- Identificação de Ferramenta
- Identificação RFID em Bicos Injetores
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- IO-Link facilita a produção de engrenagens de transmissão
- Pick-to-Light para montagem de para-choque
- RFID and I/O modules for Safe Tool Changes
- Química
- Sinal Remoto de I/O
- Fácil conexão com dispositivos de campo
- Processamento de Sinais com I/O do Sistema no Painel de Controle
- Separação de sinal com tecnologia de interface no painel de controle
- Identification of Hose Connections
- Monitoramento Eficiente de Painéis no Campo
- Monitoring of Quarter Turn Actuators
- Planning and Assembly of System Solutions
- Success Stories
- I/O System Excom Creates Space in the I&C Rooms
- RFID para ZONA 2 e 22
- Controle de Testes Eficiente
- Comunicação de campo intrinsecamente segura
- Parceria para Sistema de controle de Processo
- Remota I/O para área classificada
- Sensoreamento da Posição de Válvulas
- Flexibilidade com Fieldbus
- Gestão de Ativos com I/O Remoto
- Posicionamento correto com RFID na produção de carboneto
- Energia
- Bebidas e Alimentos
- Controle de espessuras de massas em Máquinas de Enrolamentos
- Identificação de recipientes para alimentos
- Detector de posição de válvula
- Verificando Recipientes
- Detecção em Tubos Angulares
- Identificação de moldes de chocolate
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- RFID e Autoclaves
- Fontes de alimentação IP67 para transportadores
- Transparência na fabricação do chocolate
- Identificação no Armazenamento de Produtos Alimentícios
- Mobile Equipment
- Medição do ângulo em um pulverizador de campo
- Determinando a posição angular do guindaste
- Medição de inclinação de dois eixos em uma colheitadeira
- Monitoramento de fluxo de materiais em colheitadeira
- Iluminação do compartimento de equipamentos em motores de incêndio
- Cases de Sucesso
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- RFID Guides AGV in Suspension Production
- Módulos de I/O em super iate
- Encoder sem contato em navios draga
- I/O para sistema de aspersão
- Cabine de resfriamento
- Conectividade de Rápida Desconexão
- Soluções de Automação para frio Extremo
- I/O Remoto para Guindastes
- Pontes rolantes com sistema de elevação a vácuo
- Posicionamento na montanha-russa
- Soluções para máquinas móveis
- Posicionamento exato de altura
- Detecção crítica de ângulo
- Sensor de ângulo detecta a elevação de plataforma
- Óleo & Gás
- Embalagem
- Farmacêutico
- Monitoramento de Atuadores de um quarto de volta
- Identificação de Tanques Portáteis
- Sinal Remoto I/O
- Planejamento e Construção de Super Skids
- Fácil Conexão de Dispositivos de Campo
- Identificação de Tanques Portáteis
- Identificação de botijões criogênicos
- Identification of Mobile Containers
- Identification of Mobile Containers with Handheld Devices
- Identificação de conexões de mangueira para precursores
- Identification of Hose Connections in Sterile Areas
- Identification of Hose Connections in Ex Zone 1
- Identification of Big Bags and Bioreactors
- Identification of Single-Use Applications
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